Suitable for any weid praparation
- Tack it
- Fold it
- Weid it
No more:
- End craters
- Porosity
- Lack of fusion
- Designed with a gap for full penetration from start to end
- No grinding of starts and stops
Cost redustion:
- Save time by use of standard parts
- No special parts required
- Lower labor expenses
- Safe root welding - No start defects
- 100% reproducible - process safe welding
- Made of S355JR (other materials an request)
- Available for plates up to 20, 30 and 40mm thickness
Application fields:
- Suitable for all carbon steels and high strength grades up to S960
- V- HV-, V- HY, K- ,X- , Fillet welds
- Mm / Tm / Stick
Made in Germany
Material ce rt. a cc. EN 10 204 on request
German patent